Profile: Pushpaka

Pushpaka a horse

Pushpaka is an 18-year-old gelding, breed unknown. He is a very friendly and polite horse. He enjoys connecting with people and engaging in the training and going on walks. But is also good at politely saying no when he doesn’t want to participate. He is a wise and patient teacher. He also has a very mischievous character and has been the leader of many grand escapes, if there is a weakness in the fence he will find it and use it to his advantage. He definitely keeps us vigilant.

Pushpaka has been the longstanding lead ‘stallion’ and protector of the herd. When the herd is in balance he is generally very mild tempered and content. But introducing new horses can be challenging with him. This is when Pushpaka’s badass stallion side comes out and he will not hesitate to kick some serious ass to protect his herd. He has mellowed out over the years and matured as a leader and fellow herd member. Learning to have friendships with other geldings too,  instead of only claiming the mares for himself.

Pushpaka a horse
Pushpaka a horse playing with a ball
Pushpaka a horse

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